These girls are VERY talented. I just wish they'd use their talents to serve God! But, this video is very good! =)
Did I not tell y'all that my FAVORITE (as in FAVORITE) classical song is, Pachelbel's Canon in D? Well, now you know! So be prepared for a "Canon in D marathon!" =) Hee, hee. =) 
 It's a BEAUTIFUL song.  Can you just imagine the music in heaven? Wow.
This picture is like SO true! I mean if everyone did trade in their cell phones for their Bibles we'd have a MASSIVE revival sweep the world! God's words should be more valuable to us than ANYTHING this old world has to offer. It has wonderful treasures in it that need to be mined out! Put your cell phone down (or "igod", ipad, laptop, etc,) and read your Bible today. It's your food. Be like Job where he said, "...I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12). Its PRICELESS! Imagine, the VERY words of GOD! Savor them today.
Okay, on a more carnal note, I saw this written on a plaque  hanging in my friend's house. I thought it was SO funny! =)
The South:
/the sou'th/,noun
The Place Where...
1) Tea is sweet and accents are sweeter.
2) Summer starts in April.
3) Macaroni and cheese is a vegetable.
4) Front porches are wide and words are long.
5) Pecan pie is a staple.
6) Y'all is the only proper noun.
7) Chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy.
8) Everything is darlin'.
9) Someone's heart is always being blessed.
That is like SO true! lol
Vibia Perpetua was a MIGHTY warrior for Jesus.! Her testimony is SO inspiring. It brings tears to my eyes to read about all what happened to her, and her faith was STRONG to the end.
She can truly say ,"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" (2 Timothy 4:7).
Are we willing to give our very lives for Jesus? I KNOW I am! Like it says in Philippians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." If all we're living for is Christ anyways, dying is just a GAIN! Jesus is worth it all, and if I have to die for Him, SO BE IT! I will be a willing vessel for my Beloved, and King, through the power of his Holy Spirit. AMEN!

"The Holy Ghost has inspired me to pray for nothing but patience under my sorrows and pains of life."
Vibia Perpetua

A Martyr's Death:

Vibia Perpetua was a young woman of noble birth. She was twenty-two, a wife, a mother of a young son and a Christian. In the city of Carthage in North Africa on March 7 of the year 203 she was put to death for her religious convictions. Her story comes to us from three eyewitness accounts written shortly after her death.

Perpetua was one of five Christians condemned to death in the arena. One of her companions, Felicitas, was a slave and eight months pregnant. Two days before her execution she gave birth to a daughter. Pepetua's father was a pagan and came often to the prison (many times with Perpetua's son in his arms) to plead with his daughter to renounce her religion and save her life - to no avail.

On March 7 Perpetua and her four companions were led to the arena where the crowd demanded they be scourged. Then a boar, a bear and a leopard were loosened upon the men while the women were attacked by a wild bull. Wounded, Perpetua was then put to the sword.

"When I was in the hands of the persecutors, my father in his tender solicitude tried hard to pervert me from the faith.

'My father,' I said, 'you see this pitcher. Can we call it by any other name than what it is?'

'No,' he said.

'Nor can I' [I said], 'call myself by any other name than that of Christian.'

So he went away, but, on the rumor that we were to be tried, wasted away with anxiety.

A Victim in the Arena
From a Roman Mosaic
'Daughter,' he said, 'have pity on my gray hairs; have pity on thy father. Do not give me over to disgrace. Behold thy brothers, thy mother, and thy aunt: behold thy child who cannot live without thee. Do not destroy us all.'

Thus spake my father, kissing my hands, and throwing himself at my feet. And I wept because of my father, for he alone of all my family would not rejoice in my martyrdom. So I comforted him, saying:

'In this trial what God determines will take place. We are not in our own keeping, but in God's.' So he left me - weeping bitterly.

[Perpetua and another Christian woman, Felicitas, were tossed and gored by a bull; but despite cruel manglings yet survived. Perpetua, says a sympathizing recorder] seemed in a trance. 'When are we to be tossed?' she asked, and could scarcely be induced to believe that she had suffered, in spite of the marks on her body. [They were presently stabbed to death by gladiators] after having exhorted the others to 'stand fast in the faith and love one another,' she guided to her own throat the uncertain hand of the young gladiator."

Wow. Wow. Wow. Is that awesome or what? I hope those words encouraged and inspired you all. KEEP THE FAITH! I love you all.
Your sis in Christ and His warrior,
~Honour Purity<3
Hey everybody! Hope you all are well and BLESSED! And I hope your weekend was great. =) It is well with my soul. Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. I feel thankful and blessed by God for waking up this morning, His amazing words, His beautiful creation, Himself, an amazingly awesome family, and family in Christ, etc. etc. etc. I could go on, and on, and on, on how thankful I am to Jesus. He sure does bless us as His servants. I just LOVE HIM!!!!!! God truly is awesome. sigh.
Isn't the pic above SO pretty? The blues in it are beautiful.  God's creation IS amazing, but the CREATOR is like WAY -WAY -WAY more AMAZING! Ya know? I'm also excited about Bible study tonight with some awesome family in Christ.
Witnessing the other day was AWESOME in all caps! God always moves when we go out to do His work. I know He delights in it! =) One thing I really enjoy doing is this: going up to a table where some people are sitting (or even eating) and pull up a chair, fold my arms on the table, look at their absolutely shocked expressions, and then ask, "Have you ever had a random stranger sit at a table with you before?" (I wish I had a camera to capture their faces! It's down right hilarious!)They're usually like, "No..." And if they're eating I'll ask, "Did you get me some?"
"You didn't even think of me?"
"No!" They always look suprised. And even on one funny occasion a lady said,"You weren't even a figment of my imagination!" lol
"What?! But I like ______ (Fill in the blank-Starbucks coffe, Chick-fil-a, etc.)!" Was it good?"
By then they usually start laughing, but I'll never forget one lady who said (with a mad expression on her face), "What are you doing???!!!!" lol She ended up happier later....
Then I'll swing it to eternal matters (after chatting with them for a little bit) with questions like: "What do you think happens when you die?" or "If you died tonight would you go to Heaven or Hell?" or just use something around me, or something they're wearing  to spark a conversation. Whatever the Spirit leads me to do. The other night I did that to two young girls texting at a table. They actually seemed to think it very funny that I'd do that, and they enjoyed talking too.  God really seemed to be moving and working on their hearts though. They listened to everything I told them, and they said that all they heard made lots of sense. I got to take them through the Ten Commandments, the Gospel, repentance, eternity, etc. They also took tracts and said they'd read 'em. Please pray for their souls! They need Jesus more than anything this awful world has to offer them. I also got to give "One Heartbeat Away" by, Mark Cahill to a guy I've been witnessing to for a while. It's a VERY good book for unbelievers (and even believers can read it to get information!). I pray he'll read it. He said he didn't want to talk that night because he was heading to a party to drink. How sad.
There are SO many more amazing testimonies that happened, but obviously I can't tell them all here. I can't wait to witness again! SO MUCH FUN!
I heard someone say that before they witness they'll be dragging their feet, and then on the way back they're kicking thier heels. Actually I'm skipping on the way, and jumping and dancing for pure joy when I leave! LOL =)
Well, I hope you all have an awesomely blessed week in Christ. Live for Him because that's all that matters! I'll post more later.
Love you all!!! <3
Your sis in Christ and His warrior,
~Honour Purity

Hey everybody! :) The Lord has been impressing something on me pretty strong lately.
I was laying down the other night musing about some things when I suddenly had this thought. It had to be from the Lord because it was one of those thoughts that REALLY REALLY convict you, and leave a major impact on you as well. It also got me thinking, and I couldn't wait to share it with you all out here. My thought was this..... (It's actually a few thoughts.)
"How sad it would be if you really loved someone and they didn't love you!" And then I thought, "Well, God loved the world and even gave his life for it, and boy do they hate him!" And then the thought that hit me (hit me hard!) was this, "God madly loves us as Christians. We are His bride, and beloved, he cherishes us, and takes care of us. He loves it when we talk to Him or read his beautiful love letter (The Bible). But do we love Him that much?
The question, "Do we love Him that much?" has been fresh in my Spirit all week.
Guys, do we REALLY love Jesus as much as we say we do?
No, come on now! Think about it. Let's say you were madly and passionately in love with someone.
I'm sure you'd constantly daydream about them, and greatly desire to be with that person. EVERYTHING they say is just SO cute or SO funny, and you hang on to every word. You think they are just the most handsomest or the most gorgeous person in the world. Every little note or love letter is just SO special and you reread it over and over again.  You constantly want to talk to them, learn more about him or her, look at this person, praise them, and you just cherish that person GREATLY. You would never want to do anything to displease this person, and you desire to know what their will is so you can serve him or her in anyway possible. You go after their VERY heart and want to win it. They're your best friend, and your BELOVED. And your biggest day dream is that wedding where you'll FINALLY be united with your Awesome groom or bride. 

(I know, by now you're thinking, "Honour, how do you know about all this?" lol Well, my brother is courting a girl and I tell you what, he is ALL of the above plus MORE! I get to see all of that played out before me every single day. =)

But now let's take all this a step forward. Are we that much in love with Jesus Christ? SERIOUSLY. Be honest with yourself!
Do we constantly day dream about Him?  Do we greatly desire to be with Him, and look forward to seeing Him AS SOON AS POSSIBLE? Is everything Jesus says SO amazing or SO awesome that we just hang on to every single one of His words? Is Jesus the most handsomest person in all the world AND universe to us? Is Jesus' love letter (the Bible) SO special to us that we just reread it over and over again? Do we constantly want to talk to Him, learn more about Him, see His face, be in His bosom, praise Him, and just CHERISH Him with everything in us? Do we strive to be holy and perfect so we don't diplease our Beloved, and do we desire to know His will so we can serve Him in anyway possible? Are we going after God's VERY heart and trying to win it? Is he our best friend and BELOVED? And is our biggest day dream that meeting in the air, and that marriage supper of the Lamb, where we'll FINALLY be united with our Beloved bridegroom?

Guys, if we can love MERE man that much, how much MORE should we be IN LOVE with our Saviour, and Creator, and Beloved Bridegroom????!!!!!
Jesus Christ has done SOOO much for us, how can we NOT be HEAD OVER HEELS in LOVE with Him?! <3<3<3<3<3

Psalm 31:23 KJV says, "O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer."

Psalm 73:25-26 KJV,
"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none
upon earth that I desire beside thee.  My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever."

Proverbs 8:17 KJV, "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."
The Lord LONGS for us to love Him! He wants to LOVE us back! <3
He also wants us to seek Him so He can shower His beautiful love upon us.<3
You oughta go read Song of Solomon and think of it as You as the bride and Christ as the bridegrooom.
Song of Solomon 2:4 KJV, "He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love."
Song of Solomon 5:16 KJV, "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."
Song of Solomon 8:6-7 KJV, "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong
as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned."
Another thing we need to be careful of is leaving our FIRST love like the Ephesians did in Revelation 2:4 KJV, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent."

Guys, let's be the generation who loves the Lord Jesus Christ with EVERYTHING in us! Go after His heart. Seek Him. Love Him. Cherish Him. Serve Him. Praise Him. All of that over again. Don't waste any time. It's VERY precious and we need to use it WISELY! 
Well, I could go on and on about all this, but I better get off now. I really excited about witnessing to someone today, and I'm excited to see what great things the Lord's gonna do. God TRULY is awesome! =) I LOVE YOU ALL in Christ!<3
~Honour Purity<3

    Hey! I'm Honour Purity, just a teenaged young lady who LOVES the Lord Jesus Christ with everything in me.
    I'm The Lord's Warrior,
    and I LOVE witnessing for my Saviour! <3<3<3
    I hope you are encouraged and blessed by reading my blog. All glory goes to Jesus Christ though!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013

