Hey everybody! Hope you all are well and BLESSED! And I hope your weekend was great. =) It is well with my soul. Today is a BEAUTIFUL day. I feel thankful and blessed by God for waking up this morning, His amazing words, His beautiful creation, Himself, an amazingly awesome family, and family in Christ, etc. etc. etc. I could go on, and on, and on, on how thankful I am to Jesus. He sure does bless us as His servants. I just LOVE HIM!!!!!! God truly is awesome. sigh.
Isn't the pic above SO pretty? The blues in it are beautiful.  God's creation IS amazing, but the CREATOR is like WAY -WAY -WAY more AMAZING! Ya know? I'm also excited about Bible study tonight with some awesome family in Christ.
Witnessing the other day was AWESOME in all caps! God always moves when we go out to do His work. I know He delights in it! =) One thing I really enjoy doing is this: going up to a table where some people are sitting (or even eating) and pull up a chair, fold my arms on the table, look at their absolutely shocked expressions, and then ask, "Have you ever had a random stranger sit at a table with you before?" (I wish I had a camera to capture their faces! It's down right hilarious!)They're usually like, "No..." And if they're eating I'll ask, "Did you get me some?"
"You didn't even think of me?"
"No!" They always look suprised. And even on one funny occasion a lady said,"You weren't even a figment of my imagination!" lol
"What?! But I like ______ (Fill in the blank-Starbucks coffe, Chick-fil-a, etc.)!" Was it good?"
By then they usually start laughing, but I'll never forget one lady who said (with a mad expression on her face), "What are you doing???!!!!" lol She ended up happier later....
Then I'll swing it to eternal matters (after chatting with them for a little bit) with questions like: "What do you think happens when you die?" or "If you died tonight would you go to Heaven or Hell?" or just use something around me, or something they're wearing  to spark a conversation. Whatever the Spirit leads me to do. The other night I did that to two young girls texting at a table. They actually seemed to think it very funny that I'd do that, and they enjoyed talking too.  God really seemed to be moving and working on their hearts though. They listened to everything I told them, and they said that all they heard made lots of sense. I got to take them through the Ten Commandments, the Gospel, repentance, eternity, etc. They also took tracts and said they'd read 'em. Please pray for their souls! They need Jesus more than anything this awful world has to offer them. I also got to give "One Heartbeat Away" by, Mark Cahill to a guy I've been witnessing to for a while. It's a VERY good book for unbelievers (and even believers can read it to get information!). I pray he'll read it. He said he didn't want to talk that night because he was heading to a party to drink. How sad.
There are SO many more amazing testimonies that happened, but obviously I can't tell them all here. I can't wait to witness again! SO MUCH FUN!
I heard someone say that before they witness they'll be dragging their feet, and then on the way back they're kicking thier heels. Actually I'm skipping on the way, and jumping and dancing for pure joy when I leave! LOL =)
Well, I hope you all have an awesomely blessed week in Christ. Live for Him because that's all that matters! I'll post more later.
Love you all!!! <3
Your sis in Christ and His warrior,
~Honour Purity

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    Hey! I'm Honour Purity, just a teenaged young lady who LOVES the Lord Jesus Christ with everything in me.
    I'm The Lord's Warrior,
    and I LOVE witnessing for my Saviour! <3<3<3
    I hope you are encouraged and blessed by reading my blog. All glory goes to Jesus Christ though!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013

