This picture is like SO true! I mean if everyone did trade in their cell phones for their Bibles we'd have a MASSIVE revival sweep the world! God's words should be more valuable to us than ANYTHING this old world has to offer. It has wonderful treasures in it that need to be mined out! Put your cell phone down (or "igod", ipad, laptop, etc,) and read your Bible today. It's your food. Be like Job where he said, "...I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12). Its PRICELESS! Imagine, the VERY words of GOD! Savor them today.
3/7/2013 09:17:19 am

Awesome!!! I really like this!!!!=)

Honour Purity
3/14/2013 09:28:35 am

I KNOW, isn't it?! XD


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    Hey! I'm Honour Purity, just a teenaged young lady who LOVES the Lord Jesus Christ with everything in me.
    I'm The Lord's Warrior,
    and I LOVE witnessing for my Saviour! <3<3<3
    I hope you are encouraged and blessed by reading my blog. All glory goes to Jesus Christ though!


    May 2013
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    February 2013

